Anritsu MS2710xA remote controlled spectrum analyzer series

Anritsu MS2710xA remote controlled spectrum analyzer series

Brief description of the series

Remote Spectrum Monitor Series Anritsu MS2710xA is designed to organize an effective system for monitoring and controlling the radio frequency resource at objects of any type: from an office building to an airport or even an entire city. Such a monitoring system allows detecting illegal transmitters, sources of periodic and random interference, as well as controlling the correct operation of licensed transmitters (width of the occupied frequency band, power in the channel, etc.). The series consists of three models: two models for indoor use in a rack (MS27101A and MS27103A) and one model for outdoor installation in all-weather IP67 class, with an operating temperature range from -40°C to +55°C.

All models of the MS2710xA Series analyzers operate from 9 kHz to 6 GHz and feature high spectrum scanning speeds of 24 GHz/s (at 3 MHz RBW) and 12 GHz/s (at 30 kHz RBW). The Anritsu MS2710xA analyzers were designed specifically for 24/7 trouble-free operation at remote sites and contain a special hardware device that can automatically restart the analyzer program if it freezes or crashes during a remote instrument firmware update. You can download a full description of all the characteristics below on this page in the section Documentation.

All models of the series

The Anritsu MS2710xA series consists of three models, which are presented in this interactive table. To see all the characteristics of certain models, add them to the comparison.

Main characteristics of Anritsu MS2710xA series models
Maximum frequency
Maximum amplitude
Signal analysis bandwidth
Average noise DANL
Operating temperature
6 GHz +30 dBm 20 MHz -152 dBm -155 dBm From 0°С to +50°С 2.78 kg
Expert's choice
6 GHz +30 dBm +20 dBm 20 MHz -152 dBm -155 dBm From -40°С to +55°С 6.87 kg
6 GHz +22 dBm 20 MHz -147 dBm -150 dBm From 0°С to +50°С 3.9 kg 4.5 kg

Main features of the series

Frequency: 9 kHz – 6 GHz.
1 RF input (model MS27101A).
1 or 2 RF inputs, outdoor version IP67 (model MS27102A).
12 or 24 RF inputs (model MS27103A).
Resolution (RBW): 10 Hz – 3 MHz. Signal analysis bandwidth: 20 MHz.
Amplitude: +30 dBm to -152 dBm. Noise: -152 dBm. Built-in preamp.
Scan speed: up to 24 GHz/s. Built-in GPS receiver.
Optimized for remote control. Power consumption: less than 11 W.
Interfaces: Gigabit Ethernet. Weight: 2.78 to 6.87 kg (varies by model).
Working temperature: from 0°С to +50°С (model MS27101A).
Working temperature: from -40°С to +55°С (models MS27102A and MS27103A).

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Anritsu Vision remote control software

There are several ways to remotely control the MS2710xA Series Spectrum Analyzers. The first and easiest way is using the web server built into each analyzer. In this case, remote control of the analyzers is performed using a regular Internet browser (Chrome or FireFox). Connecting to the analyzer is the same as connecting to any website. Right in the browser window, you can change all analyzer settings (start and end frequency, RBW, reference level, etc.).

The second way is writing your own control program using the standard SCPI commands supported by the MS2710xA analyzers and detailed in Anritsu MS2710xA Analyzers User Manual (see below on this page in the Documentation section).

The third, easiest and most functional way is to use a powerful remote control program Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A, which is specifically designed for monitoring and documenting the RF environment and fits perfectly with the Anritsu MS2710xA series analyzers. To work with the Vision Software, the analyzers must have option 0400 (Vision Monitor Enabled) enabled. Below is a screenshot of the Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A remote control software.

Screenshot of Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A remote control software
Screenshot of Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A remote control software.

In addition to continuous monitoring of the RF spectrum, the Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A allows detect location interferer or illegal transmitter. When such a source is detected, its coordinates are automatically calculated by triangulation, its location is plotted on a map, and the spectrum of this illegal source is also documented. For this function to work, options 0401 (Vision Locate Enabled) and 0400 (Vision Monitor Enabled) must be enabled in the analyzers.

The screenshot below shows the detected illegal transmitter (marked on the map with three black and white circles), its frequency (vertical red line on the three spectra on the right side), as well as the coordinates of the three MS27102A analyzers that were used to detect the source (marked with small red squares with numbers 1, 2 and 3).

Illegal transmitter detected by Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A
Illegal transmitter detected by Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A.

Application example on the railway

On the railway, communication between trains and control points is carried out via radio. Therefore, it is important to ensure and control the absence of interference on transmission frequencies. This problem can be solved by installing an Anritsu MS27101A spectral monitor on each locomotive, and Anritsu MS27102A all-weather spectral monitors on poles at key points on the track. An application example is shown in this figure.

Anritsu MS27101A and MS27102A analyzers monitor the frequencies of train control systems and dispatch radio communications
An example of using the Anritsu MS27101A and MS27102A analyzers to monitor the spectrum conditions at frequencies used for traffic control systems and radio dispatch.

Design features

The Anritsu MS27101A is designed for indoor rack mounting. The analyzer is housed in a small case 1U high and only 0.5U wide. As a rule, such devices are placed permanently, but it is also possible to place them inside a car or other moving object. The photo below shows three views of the MS27101A: side, front, and back.

Three angles of the Anritsu MS27101A model: side, front and back
Three angles of the Anritsu MS27101A model: side, front and back.

The Anritsu MS27102A is designed for outdoor installation on poles, rooftops, and similar locations. The analyzer is located inside an all-weather case, made according to the IP67 protection class (completely protected from dust and moisture, withstands immersion in water to a depth of 1 meter). The temperature range in which the MS27102A operates is -40°C to +55°C. All analyzer connectors are also environmentally protected to IP67. The appearance of the connectors of the MS27102A model is shown in this photo (bottom view of the analyzer).

Appearance of the connectors of the Anritsu MS27102A model (bottom view of the analyzer)
External view of the connectors of the Anritsu MS27102A model (view of the analyzer from below).

The Anritsu MS27102A case includes a mounting plate that allows easy positioning of the analyzer on poles of different diameters, as well as any other type of outdoor mounting. The MS27102A analyzer is powered by a 11V to 24V DC source. The power consumption is only 11W, which allows the use of various energy sources, including solar panels. An example of the location of the remote radio spectrum analyzer MS27102A at the airport is shown in the photo below.

An example of the location of the MS27102A Remote Radio Spectrum Analyzer at an airport
An example of an Anritsu MS27102A remote radio spectrum analyzer location at an airport.

The Anritsu MS27103A is designed for indoor rack mounting. The analyzer is housed in a full-size 2U rackmount enclosure. The MS27103A is available in two versions: 12-port RF (order code MS27103A-0706) and 24-port RF (order code MS27103A-0706-0424). All RF connectors type SMA(f). Provides isolation (leakage level) between the radio inputs is not worse than 30 dB. Inside the MS27103A is a high-speed electronic switch that connects any of the inputs to the measurement unit. The input switching speed is 0.3 µs.

The 12-port model is typically used with three-sector base stations containing multiple carriers per sector. The 24-port model is typically used with six sector base stations containing multiple carriers per sector, but other multi-channel applications are possible. The power consumption is only 11W. The photo below shows the MS27103A with 12 and 24 RF inputs.

Modifications of Anritsu MS27103A with 12 and 24 RF inputs
Modifications of the Anritsu MS27103A model with 12 and 24 RF inputs.

This PDF documentation contains the most comprehensive description of the Anritsu MS2710xA Series RF Spectrum Analyzers, their specifications and modes of operation.

Description of Anritsu MS2710xA remote spectrum analyzers (in English) (37 pages; 6 MB)

Anritsu MS2710xA analyzer specifications (in English) (24 pages; 2 MB)

Anritsu MS2710xA analyzers user manual (in English) (100 pages; 2 MB)

Anritsu Vision Software MX280001A user manual (in English) (38 pages; 4 MB)

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