RF measurements
RF measurement equipment
A large assortment
Tehencom company offers hundreds of models of high-quality radio measuring instruments and related equipment from world-famous manufacturers from the USA, Europe and Japan. Relying on twenty years of experience in supplying measuring equipment, we will help you correctly select the optimal models of RF testers and all the options and accessories necessary for operation.
Equipment manufacturers

The company produces professional equipment for mobile networks (mobile protocol testers, portable analyzers, digital stream generators), spectrum analyzers, signal synthesizers, microwave equipment, etc.

The company produces oscilloscopes, signal generators, logic analyzers, multimeters, television, video and audio devices, etc.

Pico Technology
The company produces in the UK about ten series of professional USB oscilloscopes with a wide range of built-in functions. Pulse generators, high frequency generators and vector network analyzers are also produced.

The company provides low cost solutions for spectrum analysis and EMC and EMI testing. The company's flagship product is a line of very high sensitivity handheld spectrum analyzers based on proprietary technology.

The company produces more than 100 models of antennas with a range of up to 40 GHz: log-periodic, horn, whip, dipole, biconical, frame, logospiral and others. The main production facilities and laboratories are located in Germany.

Rohde & Schwarz
The company produces professional equipment for telecommunications: spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, cellular standards analyzers, microwave generators, microwave accessories, audio-video equipment, general-purpose measuring equipment, etc.
Popular pages
Anritsu MS2090A Field Master Pro – handheld real-time spectrum analyzers up to 54 GHzAnritsu MS2080A – a series of spectrum analyzers up to 6 GHz
Anritsu S820E – portable analyzers of waveguides, cables and antennas up to 40 GHz
Aaronia SPECTRAN V6 ECO – a series of USB spectrum analyzers up to 18 GHz
Pico Technology PicoVNA – vector network analyzers (VNA) up to 8.5 GHz
Tektronix AWG70000B – high frequency (up to 20 GHz) arbitrary waveform generators
Anritsu MG362x1A – RF and microwave signal generators up to 70 GHz
Vector network analyzer accessories selection guide
What is a vector network analyzer
Vector network analyzer calibration
Measuring the shielding effectiveness of materials up to 90 GHz