Online map of 3G coverage of mobile operators in Ukraine
Now everyone can check the availability of 3G coverage in any point of interest in Ukraine. The data is presented on an updated Online map, which is available at:
On this interactive map, you can see up-to-date data on 3G coverage of operators: Kyivstar, Vodafone, Lifecell and Trimob. Information about 3G coverage by Intertelecom and PeopleNet is expected to be added. The coverage areas of each operator are marked with their own color. You can choose which operators to view. The photo below, for example, shows Kyiv and its environs.
This information will be very useful when planning the purchase of new equipment for high-speed network access: a wireless modem, a new mobile phone, or a SIM card from a telecom operator.
Devices for the construction and maintenance of 3G networks